Why Do I Travel?

The other night I was hanging out with a friend. At one point, he turned to me and said “Why do you travel so much?”

I stared at him for a moment before replying “Why DON’T you travel?”

This got me thinking. Why do I travel?

I travel to see things, to experience things that I can’t in my day to day life at home.

I travel to connect with my family and friends.

I travel to see the wonders of nature, and to disconnect from my social media and phone.

I travel to push myself, to do things I never thought in a million years I would be able to do.

I travel because it’s fun and it makes me happy

I travel because I like having stories to share with others.

But the biggest reason? I travel to learn about myself.

Every trip, teaches me something about myself. I grow a little every time I pack my bag and head off somewhere I’ve never been before. Travel is something that I truly believe everyone should make time to do. Whether it’s local or international, is up to you. Just get out there and see things. Experience what life is like away from where you live. You only have so long on this planet. You might as well make the most of it.




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“The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.” -John Muir

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