Be Happy

At the end of 2014 I changed from making resolutions, to making promises to myself. I remember that moment quite clearly. I was leaving a year that had been amazing compared to the one prior. I was happy with where I was in life, love and work. As I thought about what I wanted in 2015, the words just poured out.

“I promise to hike more, to attend more concerts. I promise to put my phone away, to get lost on back roads. I promise to buy less, and experience more. I promise to work hard, to write more letters. I promise to build relationships, and to love fiercely.”

During 2015 I focused a lot on travel. I dedicated my weekends to getting outside, either by myself or with friends. I traveled outside of the country for the first time in my life.

When 2016 rolled around I once again make promises to myself.

“In 2016 I will continue to explore. I will get to know Oklahoma City. I will put the phone down, and build the relationships I have with people. I will spend my money on experiences, not things. I will get back in touch with photography. I will start making healthier choices, and I will prepare to return to Yosemite in 2017. ”

2016 ended up being an off year, for a lot of us.

Yes, I travelled. Yes, I did some awesome things. I spent my time with great people. But, I don’t feel like I accomplished much.

As I thought about what I wanted my promises for 2017 to be, one thing kept coming to mind. Doing things and being around those who made me happy. For a few years now, I have been telling myself and others “Do what makes you happy. Life is too short to worry what other people think.” It sounds cliché, and hippyish at times. But for me it’s true.

So as I sat in a coffee shop on January 2nd and thought about what promises I wanted to make this year, what things I wanted to accomplish, I realized the main one was exactly that – do what makes me happy.

“I promise to continue to explore and travel. I will spend time getting to know people. I will get back to writing and photography. I will listen to more live music. I will continue to purge my possessions. I will spend time by myself. I will let go of what doesn’t make me happy.”



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