Roman Nose & Red Rock Canyon

In April, Erin and I decided to make a short, 24 hour trip to Roman Nose State Park. With our trip to Robbers Cave having been two days long, it felt totally different driving down for one night, to simply leave the next afternoon.

But it was totally worth it. We made a campfire (of course), drank, had s’mores and just enjoyed being outside. The next morning we made French Toast for breakfast, a meal that has now become a tradition when we go out camping, before setting out to find a trail.

Roman Nose State Park has not only a golf course, but a lake. The trail head we picked was alongside the lake, so passing by the water was super windy and slowed us down a bit. The trail was full of switchbacks, which I have a love/hate relationship with. If the ground is semi flat, like this was, I don’t really think switchbacks do anything. Other than make it seem like you’ve gone farther than you have. If the trail is steep, they are a big help, cause they take you up gradually.

I’m pretty sure we didn’t go the entire way, but we reached a point that had a good view of the lake and stayed up there for a bit before deciding to head back to pack up camp.

While we packed, I mentioned to her that we weren’t that far from Red Rock Canyon State Park. I had never been there, which was ironic, because I grew up going to camp just down the road. We decided to head down there and have lunch before we split to go home.

I shouldn’t have been so shocked about how Red Rock was, seeing as it’s just miles from my childhood camp. But as we walked along the nature trails, I kept saying “I feel like I’m at Camp Red Rock.”

I don’t know if I would stay the night at Red Rock, since it’s fairly small and there’s not much to do. But it was a good lunch spot and the nature trails were fun to explore.

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